By continuing your navigation on this site, you accept the use of cookies to offer you contents and adapted services. Legal Notice.


Bienvenue sur

                 "La raison d'être de l'homme c'est d'admirer le monde...
            Je ne veux pas renoncer à ma part de nature à cet émerveillement qui nous est offert chaque jour,

            au chant des oiseaux au bruit des rivières à toute cette poésie qui est occultée dans le monde actuel "
                                                                                                                                                                     (Pierre RABHI)


 L'aperçu ci-dessus dénote mon attirance pour la nature et les paysages.

Mais, en cliquant en haut à gauche sur DIAPORAMA vous pourrez voir mes autres centres d'intérêt.

         Bonne visite, et merci de laisser un commentaire en cliquant sur LIVRE D'OR ou CONTACT


Les oeuvres de ce site sont protégées par les droits d'auteur (lois du 11.03.1957 et 03.07.1985).Reproductions, utilisations et exploitations
commerciales sur tous supports ne sont autorisées qu'avec l'accord écrit de l'auteur.


Legal mentions

Legal notice and privacy policy of (site title)

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Act No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN), these legal notices are brought to the attention of users and visitors to the site: (site title).

The site (site title) is accessible at the following address: (site URL)

Access to and use of (site title) is subject to the following legal notices and applicable laws and/or regulations.

The connection, access and use of this site imply full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions of this legal notice.

This site is displayed with GuppY 5, a free CMS respecting good practices, security, privacy and protection of users' personal data.


In accordance with article 6 of the law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 (LCEN), the identity of the participants within the framework of the realization of the site and its follow-up is brought to the attention of visitors :

the site (site title) is edited by (first name, last name) domiciled at (full address), (e-mail address) as site administrator and publication director.

the site is hosted by (name of the host) whose head office is at (full address), (telephone number), (e-mail address).

all Internet users who browse, read, view and use the site (site title) are considered users.

by using the site, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these conditions, they may be modified at any time and without notice. I cannot be held responsible in any way for any misuse of the service.


All content on this site, including, but not limited to, graphics, images, text, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons as well as their layout are under CeCILL license or under the original license for the scripts used.

Any reproduction of articles, news, posts, various documentation or posts on the (site title) forum must include a citation of the source with a direct link to the original.

For any request for authorization or information, please contact me through the Contact page of the site. Specific conditions are foreseen for the press.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of user data shall respect the following principles :

  • Data may only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data.
  • The collection and processing of data is limited to the maximum for the display of the site, for comments, for messages on the forum, for processing members' preferences. Each member can modify, delete his preferences at any time.
  • The site editor undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data only takes place if the user has expressly consented to the processing.

The personal data collected on the site are:

  •  for visitors: nickname, IP address, email address after formal acceptance in a contact form, comments, forum,
  •  for members: username, IP address, email address after formal acceptance in the registration form with their treatment for saving preferences.

The hosting of the site data (site title) is provided by (name of the host) whose head office is located at (full address), (telephone number).

The data collected and processed by the site are exclusively hosted and processed in France. ( to check for your site)

The editor of (site title) ensures the processing and protection of data, he can be contacted through the Contact page of this site.

User rights and procedures for enforcing user rights

In accordance with the regulations, the user has the rights listed below, to grant his request, he is required to provide his full name and email address.

The publisher of the site is required to respond to the user within thirty days maximum.

  • Right of access, rectification and right to forget
    The user can read, update, modify or request the deletion of data concerning him by the Contact page of the site. If he has one, the user can delete his account by clicking on "My account" in the Preferences box, then by deleting his preferences.
  • Right to data portability
    The user can request the portability of personal data held by the site by making a request through the contact page of the site.
  • Right to limit and object to data processing
    The user has the right to oppose the processing of data by the site without the site can refuse.
  • Right to determine the fate of data after death
    Users are reminded that they can organise the fate of their data collected and processed if they die, in accordance with law n°2016-1321 of 7 October 2016.
  • Right to appeal to the competent supervisory authority
    If the site editor decides not to respond to the user's request, and if the user wishes to contest this decision, he has the right to refer the matter to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) - - or any competent judge.

Obligations of the data controller

The publisher of the site undertakes to protect the personal data collected, not to transmit them to third parties except in a judicial framework, to notify the user in the event of rectification or deletion of data.

On the site (site title), the https protocol is used, an admin protection is set up, the update is applied to each release of a new version of GuppY for a better protection of personal data. (to be adapted for your site)

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of the user's personal data is compromised, the controller undertakes to inform the user by any means.


The site uses "cookie" techniques to process statistics and traffic information, facilitate navigation and improve service for user convenience.

For the use of "cookie" files involving the saving and analysis of personal data, the consent of the user is necessarily required. The use of these "cookies" and personal data is strictly limited to this site.

This user consent is considered valid for 365 days. At the end of this period, the site will again request the user's authorization to save "cookies" files on his hard disk.

1. Opposition of the user to the use of "cookies" files by the site

The user is informed that he can oppose the recording of these "cookies" by configuring his browser software.

In the event that the user decides to deactivate the "cookies" files, he/she may continue browsing the site. However, any dysfunction of the site caused by this manipulation could not be considered as being because of the editor of the site.

2. Description of "cookie" files used by the site

The site editor draws the user's attention to the fact that the following cookies are used when browsing:

  • for visitors: GuppYConnect5, GuppYCookie5, GuppYCrypt, GuppYScreen, their lifetime is the duration of the connection,
  • for connected members: GuppYConnect5, GuppYCookie5, GuppYCrypt, GuppYScreen, GuppYUser5, their lifespan is 365 days, unless you log out, in which case they will be deleted, upon reconnection they will be recreated.
  • for service users: GuppYPost5 (blog, forum, guestbook, news, recommendations, reactions to articles), GuppYPref5 (registration, connection, administration), GuppYContact5 (advanced contact), GuppYAdmPref5 (administration), GuppYConnect5 (connection, administration)

Since version 5.02.06 of GuppY, GuppYPref5, GuppYConnect5, GuppYCrypt, GuppYUser5 cookies are encrypted for content security, with the possibility of changing the encryption key for the site editor.

(Attention, if you use plugins, you must add here the cookies used by each plugin)

When browsing the site, the user is made aware that cookies files of third parties may be stored.
More specifically the following third parties: (to be adapted for your site)

Google, AddThis.

In addition, the site includes social networking buttons, allowing users to share their activity on the site. Cookies" files from these social networks may therefore be stored on the user's computer when using these features.

The user's attention is drawn to the fact that these sites have their own privacy policies, possibly different from those presented here.

The site editor invites users to consult the privacy and personal data management policies of these sites.


These Legal Notices are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and failing an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.


For any report of illegal content or activities, the user may contact the publisher via the Contact page of this site or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt sent to the publisher at the address specified in these legal notices.

Creation date : 25/06/2018 12:36
Category : - GuppY
Page read 1492 times